Pursuing a medical career can sometimes seem like a tough feat to achieve, and more so for individuals with average GED’s or grades. No need to fret, though, as this need not be the case. Even though most medical schools will require outstanding academic achievements to consider your application, you can choose to work your way up by simply taking an entry-level certification such as applying for Phlebotomy courses in one of the top phlebotomy schools in California. In fact, becoming a phlebotomy technician is a great way of deciding whether you really belong in the medical realms or not.

Phlebotomists are basically technicians trained to safely draw blood from patients and can work in a myriad of facilities, such as laboratories or private clinics, among others. However, it is more than just drawing blood, contrary to common perception. Phlebotomy courses train on a plethora of classes ranging from safe blood collection techniques to complex emergency procedures. Essentially, you will have to be very competent and efficient, so as to avoid contaminating yourself or others in the process. So, what exactly can you expect to find in Phlebotomy courses?

Phlebotomy Training Classes:

Blood and Cell Composition – the class educates on how body cells and blood are affected by illnesses or infections.

Lab Safety – focuses on lab equipment use and safety, alongside how to avoid contamination in case of spills.

Physiology and Anatomy - this encompasses the study of muscular, skeletal, lymphatic, respiratory, urinary and circulatory systems.

CPR – this is a necessity in any health-related course and Phlebotomy is no exception. Because phlebotomists mainly work in medical facilities, most institutions deem it necessary to enhance their students with comprehensive CPR skills.

Blood Sampling Procedures – it is paramount to note that vein puncture varies greatly in adults, the elderly and newborns. The class therefore focuses on sharpening these varying venipuncture skills.

How to Find the Right Phlebotomy Program in California:

Now that you have the basics on what exactly a Phlebotomy course entails, the next step is to find the perfect program that suits your needs. Here are some crucial aspects to consider while in your quest to finding a reputable institution.

Course Duration – even though phlebotomy programs vary in length, finding an institution that offers flexible courses is paramount. Hold discussions with the institution to find out whether or not the classes can be completed faster for those looking to join the workforce soon.

Accreditation – be sure to find a reputable institution that is accredited by the relevant federal agencies. This goes a long way in guaranteeing high education standards to jump-start your medical career.